National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

Board of Directors: News & Notices

National Registry Board Meeting – March 2024, Public Notice and Call For Public Comment

March 26, 2024

The following information is archived for transparency and historical purposes. 

During the February 21, 2024 National Registry Assessment Committee meeting, the committee approved 24-Resolution-01 Resolution on ALS Certification Re-Entry Requirements. The resolution ...

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National Registry Board Meeting – June 2023, Public Notice and Call For Public Comment

June 8, 2023

The following information is archived for transparency and historical purposes. 

During the June 2023 Board Meeting, the National Registry Board of Directors approved four additional resolutions for public comment. 

Transparency, collaboration and ...

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National Registry Board Meeting – April 2023, Public Notice and Call For Public Comment

April 24, 2023

During the April 2023 Board Committee Meetings, the National Registry Board of Directors provided updates on Policies and Procedures Related to the ALS Redesign and Implementation Date of the ALS Redesign.

Transparency, collaboration and stakeholder input are essential to the Natio...

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National Registry Board Meeting – June 2022 Summary, Public Notice and Call for Public Comment

June 17, 2022

During the June 2022 meeting, the National Registry Board of Directors provided updates on Distributive Education, Read More

National Registry Board Meeting – November 2021 Summary, Public Notice and Call for Public Comment

November 29, 2021

During the November 2021 meeting, the National Registry Board of Directors provided updates on the ALS Examination Redesign, the Continued Competency agenda and held elections for Board Officers for 2022-2023. In addition, the Board passed 21-Resolution-22 Updated Terms of Certification.

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National Registry Board Meeting – June 2021 Summary, Public Notice and Call for Public Comment

June 23, 2021

During the June 2021 meeting, the National Registry Board of Directors passed a number of motions and resolutions. Transparency, collaboration and stakeholder input are essential to the National Registry. As such, the National Registry provides a 60-day stakeholder comment period following the board...

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National Registry Board Meeting – November 2019 Summary and Public Notice

November 13, 2020

During the November 2019 Board of Directors meeting, the Board passed a number of motions and resolutions. The National Registry’s standard practice is to provide a 60-day stakeholder comment period following the board meeting for interested parties to comment on the motions and resolutions...

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National Registry Board Meeting - August 2020 Summary and Public Notice

August 17, 2020

The National Registry Board of Directors met on August 17, 2020 for an abbreviated virtual meeting to address business matters not addressed during its June, 2020 meeting. The following items were addressed/discussed:

  • New Board Director: Mr. Braxton Morrison started ...

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National Registry Board Meeting – June 2019 Summary and Public Notice

June 12, 2020

During the Board of Directors meeting, in additional to staff reports fiduciary oversight, the Board passed a number of motions and resolutions. A summary of the board meeting, the motions, and the resolutions are available at the link below.

The Board has requested a 60-day stakeholder...

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National Registry Board Meeting – June 2020 Summary

June 5, 2020

The National Registry Board of Directors met on June 4-5, 2020 for an abbreviated virtual meeting. The meeting only addressed essential business matters as highlighted below.

  • 50th Anniversary The National Registry of EMTs celebrated its 50th Anniversary on June 4th. ...

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