National Registry's Culture Statement
Fulfilling our mission and becoming the best place to work demands a defined culture. Culture speaks to how we are together. Culture is the beliefs, values, priorities, expectations, behaviors, and practices that guide daily interactions, thinking, decisions, and actions. This brief document describes our culture.
Never Stop Learning
Working at the National Registry is a decision to lead, learn, grow, and improve. For us, leadership is more than a position and title. It is the proactive practice of influence. We are all influencers, and leading is expected of everyone. We cultivate big ideas, innovative approaches, and continuous learning. Consequently, personal and professional growth never ends. We continuously look for ways to improve. We lean into discomfort; we stretch toward growing and becoming better. We leverage challenges and adversity into learning. We endeavor to make the National Registry the best possible workplace filled with connection, belonging, and satisfaction.
Responsibility and Privilege
Working at the National Registry should be an exceptional experience. We view working here to be a great privilege and responsibility. The millions of people who benefit from our examinations and subsequent certifications trust us to get it right. This trust is a sacred obligation which creates an opportunity to find significant meaning in everything we do. Accordingly, our work is much more than a job. What we do or fail to do has life-and-death implications. This demands our very best. Each of us plays a vital part in mission accomplishment and our reputation, image, and growth.
Environment is welcoming
Our everyday work experience depends on the environment we create. We endeavor to create a welcoming, fun, friendly, and inclusive environment. Getting to know and value each other is how we operate. We expect curiosity, compassion, optimism, encouragement, empathy, support, compliments, and gratitude. Interpersonal drama and unhealthy conflict are not tolerated. We bring our best selves to work and treat each other as we want to be treated. Everyone has a voice. Our greatest demonstration of care comes from listening to each other. Collectively we create a work setting that prioritizes personal wellbeing, health, balance, resilience, and time out to celebrate together.
Morals, Accountability, and Character
Our ability to create this environment begins with ourselves. We each accept responsibility for how we show up, meet challenges, and respond to setbacks. We each: keep our commitments; own and regulate our feelings and behaviors; work on our inner struggles; seek and accept critique; own mistakes and failings; and take responsibility for personal wellbeing. We always give the trust we want. In our words, actions, and work, we are honest, trustworthy, transparent, resourceful, and reliable. When facing difficulties and adversity, we are empowered to define and understand the problem, and then step up with solution-oriented thinking. We know when to ask for help.
None of us can accomplish the mission alone. We need each other. We are a team. We view and welcome each other as teammates. Everyone is included and treated with respect. We become a team when we see beyond our egos, actively engage with others, and collectively work together for the good of the organization.
To be an effective team: we rigorously cultivate an environment of trust and weed out anything that erodes trust; with trust, we can leverage our disagreements into better thinking, ideas, and decisions; we ensure there is a match between role and expertise; we unify around commitments; we hold each other accountable; and we collectively celebrate individual and organizational successes. The team is less effective when we: prioritize personal agendas over the group; fail to listen to the other view; gossip and talk negatively about each other; betray confidences; assume negative intent; ignore the chain of command; and talk about team members outside the team. We quickly notice when it does not feel like a team and speak up.
We are a better team when we are more diverse and welcome other points of view. More than working together, we genuinely support each other. We help each other carry the load. We have each other's back. When someone drops a ball, someone else quickly picks it up. Taking care of the team is everyone’s responsibility. Our team welcomes debate and disagreement. Once decisions are made, we actively support and stand behind them as one.
I commit to helping make this culture description our everyday reality.