Our Partners The National Registry believes in the power of collaboration, and we have a wide range of partners that we connect with on a daily basis. This partner portal serves as a centralized hub where resources, tools and information were tailored specifically to you. Together, we will continue to strengthen the EMS community.

Examination Coordinators

Exam Coordinators have the central role in identifying personnel, equipment, and hosting advanced level psychomotor examinations.

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Medical Directors

Medical Directors ensure the continued competency of Nationally Registered EMS personnel by validating level specific skills.

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Program Directors

Program Directors are responsible for validating the competency of candidates seeking National EMS Certification.

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State Officials

A vital part of the National Registry.

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Training Officers

Validate the continued competency of Nationally Registered EMS personnel by approving continuing education records entered by agency affiliates.

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The National Registry of EMTs' relies heavily on input from volunteers in the EMS community to improve our products and services.

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