
The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (National Registry)  is committed to the protection of the public by offering ongoing improvements in the recertification process and updating requirements that will favorably impact EMS for many years to come. Specifically, the National Continued Competency Program (NCCP) incorporates the use of evidence-based medicine, gives state and local agencies the freedom to dictate a portion of their education requirements, and provides a foundation for EMS Clinicians to embrace life-long learning. 

This recertification guide provides an overview of the eligibility requirements, application process, and important deadline dates, as well background information about the National Registry’s involvement in the EMS System.

The National Registry wishes to extend our sincere gratitude to the State EMS Offices, Agencies, Training Officers, Medical Directors, and EMS Clinicians who are committed to maintenance of National Registry certification through the established requirements.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for recertification, EMS clinicians must:
  • Have a current, unexpired National Registry certification
  • Be eligible for or hold a full, unrestricted license to practice as an EMS Clinician under the laws of the licensing or authorizing agency of the jurisdiction(s) in which one practices 
  • Successfully complete one of the two recertification methods by your certification expiration date

Recertification Methods

The National Registry offers two (2) ways to recertify your certification:
  • Complete the continuing education requirements as outlined in the National Continued Competency Program (NCCP). Education varies by certification level. 
  • Recertification by Examination (RBE)
More details about each method are available in this guide.

Part 2: Recertification By Continuing Education