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November 2021 Board of Directors Meeting Summary
November 16, 2021
COLUMBUS, OH - November 4 and 5, 2021 Meeting Summary of Motions, Resolutions, and Actions
21-MOTION-23. 2022 Budget and Operating Plan. The Board approved the 2022 Budget and Operating Plan for the National Registry. The document provides an overview of the 2022 budget and operational assumptions that support the execution of the 2022-2023 Board approved strategic plan while also carrying out and improving National Registry operations in executing its mission. Areas of focus for the strategic goals for next year include:
Technological security/operational agility. There will continue to be an investment in and development of technology capabilities for business operations, risk reduction, examination infrastructure, and for innovation.
Certification/Competency. This goal further advances the organization in its role as the Nation’s EMS certification organization, responsible for assuring competency by providing evidence based, fair, and readily defensible standards and testing for certification, privilege to practice, and specialized practice/operational areas for EMS professionals and candidates.
Value & Branding. This goal yields a marketing plan and strategy for the Board that will be derived from a brand development plan.
21-RESOLUTION-22. Updated Terms of Certification. This resolution allows for the current Terms of Certification Policy to be updated. The Terms of Certification Policy specifies essential requirements for National Registry certification and interface with licensure processes that authorize practice of EMS professionals. The specific updates to the policy include simplification of language, clarification of eligibility criteria for certification, differentiation between administrative licensure issues from issues necessary to protect the public, and more. The policy, once updated, will be distributed for public comment.
ALS Examination Redesign Update. The National Registry continues to progress with the ALS Redesign initiative. The redesign is an initiative directed by the Board of Directors in 2019 to improve and refine the examinations used for certification. Given the advancement of technologies, improvements in the testing and certification field, as well as feedback from the national EMS community, the Board opted to engage in this initiative. The redesign will focus on AEMT and paramedic examinations. A performance examination will be initiated that assesses clinical judgment in a more comprehensive and reliable method compared to the current methods in the psychomotor (skills) examination. Additionally, a student minimum competencies document will replace the current portfolio requirement and the psychomotor examination requirement will retire once the new performance examination is fully in place by late 2023. Up to date details of and progress with the ALS Redesign can be found here.
Continued Competency Agenda Update. The Steering Committee for the Continued Competency Agenda continues to meet with the goal of developing a national Agenda for EMS continued competency and continuing education. However, based on feedback from our EMS partners about too much change happening at once given the simultaneous ALS Exam Redesign, several elements of the Continued Competency Agenda have been placed on pause. To date, a Delphi project was completed to identify consensus themes among EMS employers, managers, educators, medical directors and training officers related to challenges and opportunities faced with continued competency. A manuscript on the findings is in progress and will be presented at the upcoming NASEMSP meeting in January. There has also been progress with the National Clinical Content Task Force with the Prehospital Guidelines Consortium (PGC). The PGC will provide compiled evidence-based guidelines (EBGs) as a basis for further validity with examinations as well as a basis for continued competency. The EBGs have the potential to form the basis for revisions to the NCCP in late 2022. In addition to these accomplishments, the Steering Committee finalized its initial definition for continued competency, as well as drafted a macro-outline for the proposed Agenda on continued competency and continuing education.
Elections of Board Officers for 2022-2023. The Board of Directors elected its Chair-elect, Treasurer, and Executive Committee At-Large officers for the 2022-2023 term. The Executive Committee starting on January 1, 2022 will be:
Chair: Dr. Kevin Mackey
Chair-elect: Dr. Mike McEvoy
Treasurer: Dr. Thomas Platt
Executive Committee Member At-Large: Dr. Scott Gilmore
Past Chair: Dr. Heather Davis
Elections of Board Directors. The Board of Directors elected the following directors from the following nominating organizations/positions:
AAA: Mr. Adam Heinz
NASEMSO: Mr. Steve McCoy
NAEMSP: Dr. Maia Dorsett
Educator At-Large: Dr. Kim McKenna (second term)
IDEA Task Force. The IDEA Task Force, established to work at the structural and policy level with other key EMS stakeholder organizations, has established monthly Professional Learning Communities where members of the EMS community can learn about a successful program improving inclusion, diversity, equity or access in their area, collaborate with others, and share best practices. Learn more on the IDEA Task Force website at